
Saturday, July 21, 2007

What Are the Most Common Yeast Infection Symptoms?

Normally, the organisms that can cause yeast infections live on our skin naturally. Our skin is the barrier that keeps the candidas out, but if you have any openings due to cuts or other kinds of abrasions, the organism can penetrate the skin and grow prolifically.

This usually happens when areas of the body become overly warm and moist like in diaper areas and skin folds of babies and adults alike. If you have a superficial infection, typical yeast infection symptoms may look like a flat, red rash. It will have edges that are sharply scalloped. Sometimes there are smaller patches close by and they are called satellite lesions. Often these rashes are itchy and painful.

For those people who have a compromised or weakened immune system, yeast infection symptoms may be more subtle. These types of infections can affect your internal organs and cause them to cause you pain or dysfunction. It is reported that 85% of people who have AIDS get a yeast infection known as esophagitis in the upper GI tract. Common yeast infection symptoms of this type will be painful ulcers throughout the gastrointestinal system causing pain in swallowing even liquids.

This infection is like thrush, but instead of lesions in only the mouth and tongue areas, you will have them in the esophagus and stomach as well. In cases where the infection has spread to intestines, nutrition from food sources will be poorly absorbed. People who suffer from this type of yeast infection are at risk for dehydration.

If Candida gets into the bloodstream, yeast infection symptoms may or may not include a fever. In a worst case scenario, if the yeast infection spreads to the brain, yeast infection symptoms may be noticeable changes in your behavior and mental functioning.

If you, or anyone in your family are experiencing any type of yeast infection symptoms, you can first try an over the counter medication. If this doesnt work or your yeast infection symptoms worsen, it is time to see your doctor. This is especially true for those with a weakened immune system.

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