
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Easy Skin Care Tips to Help Control Acne

Sometimes a white coating on the tongue is the result of a yeast infection, also known as thrush. This is when there is an overgrowth of fungus called candida, normally found on skin or mucus membranes. However, if the environment inside the mouth or throat becomes imbalanced, candida can multiply, causing the tongue to be coated. Those with poor immune systems and those who use antibiotics frequently have higher chances of getting a yeast infection.

Candida infections in infants and adults may become visible in different ways; oral Candidiasis (or thrush) is exhibited by thick, white patches on top of a red base and may appear on any area inside the mouth. Bleeding on the underlying tissue occurs if these white patches are wiped away. Without the white coating this infection makes the tongue appear to be red in color. Oral thrush is painful and can contribute to eating disorders.

Although over-the-counter, anti-yeast medications do exist, they generally provide only temporary relief since they do not address the underlying reasons why a candida overgrowth has occurred. Only a comprehensive approachincluding dietary changes and natural supplementswill rid your body of yeast overgrowth, restore balance to your bodily systems and prevent this insidious condition from recurring.

Most women would love to know if there was a natural yeast infection cure. If your yeast infection is not that serious, you can treat it naturally. There are a lot of ways and steps on how to prevent yeast infections from occurring.

When treating a yeast infection, its one thing to get pain relief and its another to actually cure the cause. Its best to get to the root of recurrent vaginal yeast infections. Understand the symptoms for vaginal yeast infection and get well educated before seeing your doctor so you can make the best possible decision for treating the infection.

Chronic yeast infections have signs and symptoms that vary depending on the location of the infection. This infection is very common to women. Its signs and symptoms consist of a white discharge that is itchy and irritating to the vagina. It can affect the surrounding outer tissues of the anus where a moist patch appears on the contiguous skin of the anus. Candida yeast infections also cause pain during sexual intercourse and a burning sensation during urination.

So how do you know if you are suffering from thrush? One of the telltale sign is having white creamy patches in the mouth. Red spots on the roof of the mouth, throat, gums and on the tongue are also clear indications of Thrush. A person suffering from Thrush may also see crusts forming on the corners of his or her mouth. Difficulties in swallowing, nausea and chest pains are some of the other signs of having Thrush.

Sarah Rhodes suffered from chronic yeast infections for many years before finally discovering a natural, permanent cure that works. Read about Sarah and the secret that permanently cured her yeast infections at:
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