
Saturday, July 21, 2007

Time for Yourself as a Working Mom

You rush from your office to pick up the kids at school, and then you quickly drop off your children at their various extracurricular activities. By the time you get home, you have to hurry to get dinner on the table, fly through the homework and just when you think it’s time to relax in front of the television, your husband wants attention! Is there ever any time for yourself as a working mom?

It may seem that some days, you can barely squeeze out enough time for a shower. However, it is crucial that as a working mom, you make time for yourself as well as your family. If you are feeling burnt out, overworked and overwhelmed, you are not going to be at your best for the people that you love the most.

So what can you do to make time for yourself? You need to treat “me” time as you would any other important event- schedule it! Write it in your date book and treat those appointments with yourself as if they were appointments with important clients. Even if you only find time to squeeze in a quick bath, or a short work-out at the gym some weeks, that’s okay. What about a lunch date with yourself? You can sit back with a good book, a sandwich and relax.

Have your children and/or partner hold you accountable for your “me” appointments. It’s easy to get distracted and start working on things when the only person scheduled for this appointment is yourself. Make sure that you’re being held accountable for recouping and relaxing, because after all, that will make you a better and more productive wife, mother, partner, and businessperson.

It doesn’t matter how you choose to relax and find some time for yourself in your busy life, but it is crucial to your well being for any working mom that you do make that “me” time and resist the urge to push it to the back burner.

Real Estate, Business and Life Coach Cheri Alguire has partnered with hundreds of Real Estate Professionals and Small Business Owners to help them become more successful in business and in life. Coach Cheri specializes in Group Coaching for Small Business Owners, Working Mothers, Real Estate Agents and Managers. Learn more at and
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